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What makes us different?

Small class size

A small class size to provide the more personalised attention and care to your child.

Tailored Enrichment Programs

Young chef cookery, Discovery Sciences, Young Art Theater, Special Phonetic Sound, and Enhance Reading Program Sportify & Current Affair.

Healthy food

We provide our children with healthy and delicious food prepared by our very own chef from Indonesia.

In Leeds Montessori, our curriculums are specially designed and planned to enhance your child learning capabilities. We are a full fledge Montessori, using 70% of Montessori and 30% of the project based thematic curriculum to educate the children.

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn

Dr. Maria Montessori

Montessori’s 5 Learning Objectives


Our children will be able to read story books and blend words from the age of 4 after receiving 3 years of Language education. They will be well-equipped to hold proper conversations among themselves and with adults.


Our children will learn the concept of decimals at 4 years old. They will learn to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 4 decimal places, as well as multiplication and division problems at the age of 5-6 years old.


Our children will be trained to develop their 5 senses – smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch from the age of 4.

Practical Life

Our children will learn to be independent and competent with everyday tasks such as feeding themselves, arranging their belongings, wearing clothes, pouring of water, and other routines.


Our children will explore science, geography, animals and plants from the age of 2. They will learn to tell apart the 7 oceans and 7 continents, as well as understand the landscaping of water bodies such as islands and lakes at the age of 5.


Our children will be able to read story books and blend words from the age of 4 after receiving 3 years of Language education. They will be well-equipped to hold proper conversations among themselves and with adults.


Our children will learn the concept of decimals at 4 years old. They will learn to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 4 decimal places, as well as multiplication and division problems at the age of 5-6 years old.


Our children will be trained to develop their 5 senses – smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch from the age of 4.

Practical Life

Our children will learn to be independent and competent with everyday tasks such as feeding themselves, arranging their belongings, wearing clothes, pouring of water, and other routines.


Our children will explore science, geography, animals and plants from the age of 2. They will learn to tell apart the 7 oceans and 7 continents, as well as understand the landscaping of water bodies such as islands and lakes at the age of 5.


Gan BL

On my first visit to Leeds Montessori, I already knew without a doubt that it would be my first choice of pre-school. They have a team of highly professional teachers, who are endowed with more than 15 years of experience.

We believe our children will thoroughly enjoy the learning process and grow happily. To learn in joy and to enjoy learning is the most beautiful experience we can provide to our children

Pei BB

My husband and I visited a number of pre-schools to understand more about their environment and programs. These are very important as they will determine the intellectual growth and learning experience of my children.

After careful consideration, we firmly decided to enrol in Leeds Montessori. Leeds Montessori adapts the Montessori method, which focuses on hands-on experiential learning to simulate the best environment for our children. They have a very well-designed curriculum, with creative toys and materials to develop important skills and competencies.

We look forward to working closely with Leeds Montessori to achieve the best future for our children.

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